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 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…19 horas19H

Partidos austríacos chegam a acordo para formar governo sem extrema-direita


The announcement was a victory for mainstream political parties, after earlier talks involving the hard-right Freedom Party broke down.

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…19 horas19H

A Áustria está a formar um novo governo de coligação sem o vencedor das eleições de extrema-direita.


Three parties reached a deal on Thursday to form a new centrist Austrian government, two weeks after a far-right party that won an election in September failed to put together an administration.

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…19 horas19H

A Áustria está a formar um novo governo de coligação sem o vencedor das eleições de extrema-direita.


Three parties announced Thursday that they have reached a deal to form a new centrist Austrian government, five months after an election was won by a far-right party that later failed in an attempt to form an administration.